Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Huelga General en la Educación

We were sent home early from school today because of the education protests. Today is a general strike against education cuts across all of Spain, and the center of the manifestation in Barcelona was right outside the University. Regular Spanish students at the University of Barcelona did not have classes today (because all the professors were on strike), but we had class anyway because we missed some classes earlier in the term for holidays and our professors seemed indifferent about the strike.

The professors, students, parents, everyone (elementary school through university) is protesting some massive cuts to Spain's education budget. One girl explained that tuition to UB is going to rise by 55%. While that IS a lot, education is WAY less expensive here than in the US. It costs about 2000 euros per year ($2500-2800) to go to the University of Barcelona. If they only knew how much it costs to go to Dartmouth...

This morning, some very aggressive students tried to keep us from entering the building for class and others attempted to  prevent us from having class by blasting radio static outside the classroom. Apparently us being inside the University weakened the strike for them. Our professor stayed strong and we made it through conversation class this morning. But my second class of the day, grammar, was interrupted by the sound of gun shots or fireworks or something, so our professor told us all to go home and stay away from the center of the city. It was never really scary, in fact I thought it was kind of cool to witness such intense social activism.

According so some online articles, more than 7 million students are participating in the strike!





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