Friday, March 30, 2012

Field Trip!

Instead of normal classes, my program has field trips every Friday. Today we met at La Catedral Barcelona (wikipedia link) and our program coordinator from the University of Barcelona, Elisenda, talked to us about the history of the city and of the Cathedral. I'm pretty sure that it's the oldest building I've ever been in! Construction started in the 1200s and is still going on today. Are they ever going to finish?! It's beautiful both inside and out. Off of the main room of the cathedral, there is this open-air room with a pool in the middle (see photo).

After the cathedral, we went to El Museo de Historia de la Ciudad. We had a tour guide in the museum who spoke pretty fast in Spanish, but she was very informative. My favorite part of the museum was the underground part that showed the old city. We walked around on bridges over all kinds of ancient stone creations (see photo). And we got to see the room where Christopher Columbus met the king and queen of Spain. It was a pretty cool museum, but by 2:30 I was starving so I ate the bocadillo (sandwich) that Amparo had packed for me as we walked back to the University. Why does everyone eat so late here?!

Tonight, I went to the grocery store with Alicia to buy the ingredients to make pizza. At an American grocery store, there are always carts that you push and plastic baskets that you carry. At the grocery store on my street, there are plastic baskets (same size and shape as the American ones) with long handles that people pull behind them like a wagon. And you have to pay 2 cents for a plastic bag!

When we got home, Amparo made pizza dough for us and we put on the toppings. It was fun to hang out with Alicia because we can communicate pretty well. I found out that Alicia has taken English in school since kindergarten! Which explains why she is able to help me when I get stuck on a word. She's staying in the apartment for the weekend, in the extra bedroom. I think her parents are traveling, but it's unclear. She has the whole week off from school for La Semana Santa (Holy week).

Tomorrow, a bunch of us are going on a day trip to Sitges, which is a beach town about 30 minutes away. Look for some more pictures tomorrow!

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