Saturday, March 24, 2012

In Barcelona!

I made it! My flight was delayed more than an hour in New York, but somehow we made it Barcelona right on time. Pretty sure that's impossible. But it happened.

I shared a taxi with my friend Grace to our spanish host families, freaking out the whole way. What do we say? What if we don't understand them? What if we can't even find the right apartment???

All the freaking out was over ten minutes later when I was eating cereal (special K!) at the kitchen table with Amparo, my host mom, in her 2nd floor apartment. She speaks only spanish, but she speaks quite slowly and uses simple words. As it turns out she hosted one of my friends during the winter term. He was kind enough to explain the most important things in english in a letter he left for me. Best thing ever. Thank you, Charlie!

Now I'm going to unpack a little and rest (descansar) for a while. More updates to come!


  1. Sure bet that Special K tasted really great. So pleased that your freaking out was for naught!!

  2. Hey, Kelly, thanks for keeping us up to date with your adventure! I'm so looking forward to hearing all about it. Be safe, and have fun! - Aunt Karen

  3. tomar muchas fotos. Tu blog va a ser un gran diario.

  4. Hi, Kelly, Glad you made it safely to Barcelona. Can't wait to follow your adventure!! Have fun!
    Love, Aunt Jean
